Mosaic Media Blog Posts

Media Trends I Like – Remarketing

A “current trend” on my radar is the success and opportunity afforded in remarketing (retargeting) ads. This tactic isn’t some new, fancy phenomenon, yet it’s not widely accepted across the board. Why not? They’re an incredible opportunity to increase your ROI.

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Media Planning in a(n overly-simplified) Nutshell

Our primary function at Mosaic Media is planning, negotiating, buying, and managing media placement for our roster of clients. While the entire process is time intensive and complex, the planning portion seems to be the most mysterious to our partners.

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Planning for 2021

I’m already prepping Mosaic clients and partner agencies for 2021 planning. Despite the fact that 2020 has been a marketing and advertising rollercoaster, we have to move forward with what we have and start working out plans for next year.

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Personalization in Advertising

Personalizing your ads is important. Not only do consumers want to see personalized ads, I’m also watching as businesses are being backed into a corner with no other choice but to optimize that data and take action to implement this

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